Electrical Characteristics
Quantity |
Symbol |
Basic Unit |
Current | I or i | ampere (A) |
Charge | Q or q | coulomb (C) |
Power | P | watt (W) |
Voltage | V or v | volt (V) |
Resistance | R | ohm e |
Reactance | X | ohm e |
Impedance | Z | ohm e |
Conductance | G | siemens (S) |
Admittance | Y | siemens (S) |
Susceptance | B | siemens (S) |
Capacitance | C | farad (F) |
Inductance | L | henry (H) |
Frequency | f | hertz (Hz) |
Period | T | second (s) |
Capital letters for I, Q, and V are generally used for peak, rms, or dc value; small letters are used for instantaneous values.
Small r and g are used for internal values, such as rp and gm of a tube.
Multiples and Submultiples of Units
1 000 000 000 000 = 1012 | tera | T | THz = 1012 Hz |
1 000 000 000 = 109 | giga | G | GHz = 109 Hz |
1 000 000 = 106 | mega | M | MHz = 106 Hz |
1 000 = 103 | kilo | k | kV = 103 V |
100 = 102 | hecto | h | hm = 102 m |
10 = 10 | deka | da | dam = 10 m |
0.1 = 10-1 | deci | d | dm = 10-1 m |
0.01 = 10-2 | centi | c | cm = 10-2 m |
0.001 = 10-3 | milli | m | mA = 10-3 A |
0.000 001 = 10-6 | micro | u | uV = 10-6 V |
0.000 000 001 = 10-9 | nano | n | ns = 10-9 s |
0.000 000 000 001 = 10-12 | pico | p | pF = 10-12 F |
Additional prefixes are exa = 1018, peta = 1015, femto = 10-15 and atto = 10-18.
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